81 research outputs found

    The chaining lemma and its application

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    We present a new information-theoretic result which we call the Chaining Lemma. It considers a so-called “chain” of random variables, defined by a source distribution X(0)with high min-entropy and a number (say, t in total) of arbitrary functions (T1,…, Tt) which are applied in succession to that source to generate the chain (Formula presented). Intuitively, the Chaining Lemma guarantees that, if the chain is not too long, then either (i) the entire chain is “highly random”, in that every variable has high min-entropy; or (ii) it is possible to find a point j (1 ≤ j ≤ t) in the chain such that, conditioned on the end of the chain i.e. (Formula presented), the preceding part (Formula presented) remains highly random. We think this is an interesting information-theoretic result which is intuitive but nevertheless requires rigorous case-analysis to prove. We believe that the above lemma will find applications in cryptography. We give an example of this, namely we show an application of the lemma to protect essentially any cryptographic scheme against memory tampering attacks. We allow several tampering requests, the tampering functions can be arbitrary, however, they must be chosen from a bounded size set of functions that is fixed a prior

    Privacy-Preserving Trust Management Mechanisms from Private Matching Schemes

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    Cryptographic primitives are essential for constructing privacy-preserving communication mechanisms. There are situations in which two parties that do not know each other need to exchange sensitive information on the Internet. Trust management mechanisms make use of digital credentials and certificates in order to establish trust among these strangers. We address the problem of choosing which credentials are exchanged. During this process, each party should learn no information about the preferences of the other party other than strictly required for trust establishment. We present a method to reach an agreement on the credentials to be exchanged that preserves the privacy of the parties. Our method is based on secure two-party computation protocols for set intersection. Namely, it is constructed from private matching schemes.Comment: The material in this paper will be presented in part at the 8th DPM International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (DPM 2013

    Reversible Proofs of Sequential Work

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    Proofs of sequential work (PoSW) are proof systems where a prover, upon receiving a statement χ\chi and a time parameter TT computes a proof ϕ(χ,T)\phi(\chi,T) which is efficiently and publicly verifiable. The proof can be computed in TT sequential steps, but not much less, even by a malicious party having large parallelism. A PoSW thus serves as a proof that TT units of time have passed since χ\chi was received. PoSW were introduced by Mahmoody, Moran and Vadhan [MMV11], a simple and practical construction was only recently proposed by Cohen and Pietrzak [CP18]. In this work we construct a new simple PoSW in the random permutation model which is almost as simple and efficient as [CP18] but conceptually very different. Whereas the structure underlying [CP18] is a hash tree, our construction is based on skip lists and has the interesting property that computing the PoSW is a reversible computation. The fact that the construction is reversible can potentially be used for new applications like constructing \emph{proofs of replication}. We also show how to ``embed the sloth function of Lenstra and Weselowski [LW17] into our PoSW to get a PoSW where one additionally can verify correctness of the output much more efficiently than recomputing it (though recent constructions of ``verifiable delay functions subsume most of the applications this construction was aiming at)

    Reversible Proofs of Sequential Work

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    Proofs of sequential work (PoSW) are proof systems where a prover, upon receiving a statement χ\chi and a time parameter TT computes a proof ϕ(χ,T)\phi(\chi,T) which is efficiently and publicly verifiable. The proof can be computed in TT sequential steps, but not much less, even by a malicious party having large parallelism. A PoSW thus serves as a proof that TT units of time have passed since χ\chi was received. PoSW were introduced by Mahmoody, Moran and Vadhan [MMV11], a simple and practical construction was only recently proposed by Cohen and Pietrzak [CP18]. In this work we construct a new simple PoSW in the random permutation model which is almost as simple and efficient as [CP18] but conceptually very different. Whereas the structure underlying [CP18] is a hash tree, our construction is based on skip lists and has the interesting property that computing the PoSW is a reversible computation. The fact that the construction is reversible can potentially be used for new applications like constructing \emph{proofs of replication}. We also show how to ``embed the sloth function of Lenstra and Weselowski [LW17] into our PoSW to get a PoSW where one additionally can verify correctness of the output much more efficiently than recomputing it (though recent constructions of ``verifiable delay functions subsume most of the applications this construction was aiming at)

    Reversible Proofs of Sequential Work

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    Proofs of sequential work (PoSW) are proof systems where a prover, upon receiving a statement χ\chi and a time parameter TT computes a proof ϕ(χ,T)\phi(\chi,T) which is efficiently and publicly verifiable. The proof can be computed in TT sequential steps, but not much less, even by a malicious party having large parallelism. A PoSW thus serves as a proof that TT units of time have passed since χ\chi was received. PoSW were introduced by Mahmoody, Moran and Vadhan [MMV11], a simple and practical construction was only recently proposed by Cohen and Pietrzak [CP18]. In this work we construct a new simple PoSW in the random permutation model which is almost as simple and efficient as [CP18] but conceptually very different. Whereas the structure underlying [CP18] is a hash tree, our construction is based on skip lists and has the interesting property that computing the PoSW is a reversible computation. The fact that the construction is reversible can potentially be used for new applications like constructing \emph{proofs of replication}. We also show how to ``embed the sloth function of Lenstra and Weselowski [LW17] into our PoSW to get a PoSW where one additionally can verify correctness of the output much more efficiently than recomputing it (though recent constructions of ``verifiable delay functions subsume most of the applications this construction was aiming at)

    Almost-Optimally Fair Multiparty Coin-Tossing with Nearly Three-Quarters Malicious

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    An α\alpha-fair coin-tossing protocol allows a set of mutually distrustful parties to generate a uniform bit, such that no efficient adversary can bias the output bit by more than α\alpha. Cleve [STOC 1986] has shown that if half of the parties can be corrupted, then, no rr-round coin-tossing protocol is o(1/r)o(1/r)-fair. For over two decades the best known mm-party protocols, tolerating up to tm/2t\geq m/2 corrupted parties, were only O(t/r)O(t/\sqrt{r})-fair. In a surprising result, Moran, Naor, and Segev [TCC 2009] constructed an rr-round two-party O(1/r)O(1/r)-fair coin-tossing protocol, i.e., an optimally fair protocol. Beimel, Omri, and Orlov [Crypto 2010] extended the results of Moran et al.~to the {\em multiparty setting} where strictly fewer than 2/3 of the parties are corrupted. They constructed a 22k/r2^{2^k}/r-fair rr-round mm-party protocol, tolerating up to t=m+k2t=\frac{m+k}{2} corrupted parties. Recently, in a breakthrough result, Haitner and Tsfadia [STOC 2014] constructed an O(log3(r)/r)O(\log^3(r)/r)-fair (almost optimal) three-party coin-tossing protocol. Their work brings forth a combination of novel techniques for coping with the difficulties of constructing fair coin-tossing protocols. Still, the best coin-tossing protocols for the case where more than 2/3 of the parties may be corrupted (and even when t=2m/3t=2m/3, where m>3m>3) were θ(1/r)\theta(1/\sqrt{r})-fair. We construct an O(log3(r)/r)O(\log^3(r)/r)-fair mm-party coin-tossing protocol, tolerating up to tt corrupted parties, whenever mm is constant and t<3m/4t<3m/4

    Private Identity Agreement for Private Set Functionalities

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    Private set intersection and related functionalities are among the most prominent real-world applications of secure multiparty computation. While such protocols have attracted significant attention from the research community, other functionalities are often required to support a PSI application in practice. For example, in order for two parties to run a PSI over the unique users contained in their databases, they might first invoke on a support functionality to agree on the primary keys to represent their users. This paper studies a secure approach to agreeing on primary keys. We introduce and realize a functionality that computes a common set of identifiers based on incomplete information held by two parties, which we refer to as private identity agreement. We explain the subtleties in designing such a functionality that arise from privacy requirements when intending to compose securely with PSI protocols. We also argue that the cost of invoking this functionality can be amortized over a large number of PSI sessions, and that for applications that require many repeated PSI executions, this represents an improvement over a PSI protocol that directly uses incomplete or fuzzy matches

    Towards Multiparty Computation Withstanding Coercion of All Parties

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    Incoercible multi-party computation (Canetti-Gennaro ’96) allows parties to engage in secure computation with the additional guarantee that the public transcript of the computation cannot be used by a coercive outsider to verify representations made by the parties regarding their inputs, outputs, and local random choices. That is, it is guaranteed that the only deductions regarding the truthfulness of such representations, made by an outsider who has witnessed the communication among the parties, are the ones that can be drawn just from the represented inputs and outputs alone. To date, all incoercible secure computation protocols withstand coercion of only a fraction of the parties, or else assume that all parties use an execution environment that makes some crucial parts of their local states physically inaccessible even to themselves. We consider, for the first time, the setting where all parties are coerced, and the coercer expects to see the entire history of the computation. We allow both protocol participants and external attackers to access a common reference string which is generated once and for all by an uncorruptable trusted party. In this setting we construct: - A general multi-party function evaluation protocol, for any number of parties, that withstands coercion of all parties, as long as all parties use the prescribed ``faking algorithm\u27\u27 upon coercion. This holds even if the inputs and outputs represented by coerced parties are globally inconsistent with the evaluated function. - A general two-party function evaluation protocol that withstands even the %``mixed\u27\u27 case where some of the coerced parties do follow the prescribed faking algorithm. (For instance, these parties might collude with the coercer and disclose their true local states.) This protocol is limited to functions where the input of at least one of the parties is taken from a small (poly-size) domain. It uses fully deniable encryption with public deniability for one of the parties; when instantiated using the fully deniable encryption of Canetti, Park, and Poburinnaya (Crypto\u2720), it takes 3 rounds of communication. Both protocols operate in the common reference string model, and use fully bideniable encryption (Canetti Park and Poburinnaya, Crypto\u2720) and sub-exponential indistinguishability obfuscation. Finally, we show that protocols with certain communication pattern cannot be incoercible, even in a weaker setting where only some parties are coerced

    Non-malleable codes for space-bounded tampering

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    Non-malleable codes—introduced by Dziembowski, Pietrzak and Wichs at ICS 2010—are key-less coding schemes in which mauling attempts to an encoding of a given message, w.r.t. some class of tampering adversaries, result in a decoded value that is either identical or unrelated to the original message. Such codes are very useful for protecting arbitrary cryptographic primitives against tampering attacks against the memory. Clearly, non-malleability is hopeless if the class of tampering adversaries includes the decoding and encoding algorithm. To circumvent this obstacle, the majority of past research focused on designing non-malleable codes for various tampering classes, albeit assuming that the adversary is unable to decode. Nonetheless, in many concrete settings, this assumption is not realistic

    Black-Box Separations for Differentially Private Protocols

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    We study the maximal achievable accuracy of distributed differentially private protocols for a large natural class of boolean functions, in the computational setting. In the information theoretic model, McGregor et al. [FOCS 2010] and Goyal et al. [CRYPTO 2013] have demonstrated several functionalities whose differentially private computation results in much lower accuracies in the distributed setting, as compared to the client-server setting. We explore lower bounds on the computational assumptions under which this particular accuracy gap can possibly be reduced for general two-party boolean output functions. In the distributed setting, it is possible to achieve optimal accuracy, i.e. the maximal achievable accu-racy in the client-server setting, for any function, if a semi-honest secure protocol for oblivious transfer exists. However, we show the following strong impossibility results: ◦ For any boolean function and fixed level of privacy, the maximal achievable accuracy of any (fully) black-box construction based on existence of key-agreement protocols is at least a constant smaller than optimal achievable accuracy. Since key-agreement protocols imply the existence of one-way functions, this separation also extends to one-way functions